Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trying Again

I'm going to give swimming another try.  I swear if it weren't so logistically difficult, I'd do it all the time.  To wit, my best time for exercise is after work, but that is whent he swim teams practice at the LRRC.  So it is either get there pretty darn early before the lanes are all being used by the swim teams, or go at 5:00 a.m. or go after the girls are in  bed.  Maybe George and I need to trade off days, where on Monday and Wednesday I go at 7:00 and he puts them to bed, and Tuesday and Thursday he goes and I put them to bed.  I'll have to think on that.

Anyway, I swam on Saturday.  I went only 12 laps in the 25 yard pool, which isn't very far at all.  Hopefully I can build up my stamina pretty quickly.  I'm about to turn 40, and I'd like to lose some of this weight.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bad Attitude

Saturday we went to the Racquet Club and it looked like it was about to start raining, so I decided to exercise inside. It was a good thing since about halfway through my walk/jog it started pouring with a little thunder mixed in for good measure. I am really looking forward to them putting the bubble over the pool.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Well, since it was only 71 degrees last night when my appointed exercise time came (and dark out to boot) I just couldn't face the outdoor pool. What's wrong with this picture? It's not even Labor Day in ARKANSAS, for Pete's sake. It should be warm enough to swim outside! Anyway, I ran on the treadmill, the first running I've done in about 5 months. Ran 1 mile, walked another mile and a half. My quads are feeling it today.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well, last week was a bit of a bust. I was a little down in the dumps, and then the stomach flu came to our house, so I didn't swim much. I got back into action Saturday afternoon, which was a beautiful day. 1200 meters. I felt good and could have swum longer, but I had to get to a hair appointment. Plan to go again tonight.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Good and Bad

I wanted to swim Tuesday, but it was raining in the evening. Even though I like swimming outside, I'll be kind of relieved when they put the bubble on the 25 yard pool for the winter, so I won't have to worry about the weather affecting my workout.

Anyway, I went last night and had a pretty good workout. I felt stronger and a bit faster, but I only did 1300. I was starting to get a headache and decided to stop before it got worse. I wish I could swim without a cap, but I'm not about to have hair quite that short. The curse of the large head.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeling Tired

I guess my two 1500 meter swims wore me out a bit, because I was feeling tired on Saturday morning when I went to swim. I ended up swimming 1000 meters, although I had hoped to swim more like 1800. So it goes.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Have I have mentioned how much I love to swim? Now that I've started back in earnest, I wonder how I went 5 years without doing it. How did I go so long without joining the LRRC? I just don't know. I love how relaxed the water makes me feel. I love how I can get a great workout without feeling so tired, like I do after running. And even though I'm not the fastest person in the pool, I think I was made to swim. It's relatively easy for me, whereas other forms of exercise have always been a struggle. I only wish I had done it as a teenager. I think I really might have been decent at it.

Yesterday I swam 1500 meters again. It was a good swim. I was probably a little bit tired, but it wasn't difficult to complete the distance.